OPP Operation

The Portuguese Psychological Association ("Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses" - OPP) is the only institution responsible for the regulation of Psychology in Portugal. It represents all the psychologists, having more than 20.000 registered professionals. Membership is mandatory. OPP is the Portuguese authority for professional recognition regarding the European professional mobility directive. OPP, as defined in Portuguese Law 57/2008 and 138/2015, aims to scrutinize the exercise and access to the profession of psychologist; to develop their technical and ethical standards, to promote the professional development of Psychologists and to exercise disciplinary power over its members, as part of an independent disciplinary system. OPP defend the general interests of its users and represents the general interests of the profession. OPP collaborates with other Public Administration bodies and participate in the creation of legislation relating to the profession. Another role is the promotion of professional accreditation processes and in the assessment of courses providing access to the profession.


The Board is comprised of 9 members, whereby the President and 3 members are executive members.

Assembly of Representatives (Assembleia de Representantes - AR)

As a result of the meetings of the Assembly of Representatives, which is comprised of 50 Psychologists (non-remunerated), the following documents/resolutions.

Judicial Committee (Conselho Jurisdicional - CJ)

The CJ, which is comprised of 5 Psychologists (non-remunerated) and a lawyer, meets regularly to analyse cases and in hearings regarding psychologists. As a result of its work, dozens of notices with regard to these cases have been sent.