Ordem dos Psicólogos

The Order and the 2011-2016 Health Plan


The Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) has been invited to be part of the Advisory Council for the 2011-2016 Health Plan, an initiative by the High Commissioner for Health, organised by Prof.Dr. Maria do Céu Machado.

The OPP's participation in the Advisory Council is an important step in the contribution of psychologists to a plan that will affect the health of all Portuguese nationals, and the provision of health care by various health professionals, including psychologists.

As already highlighted in the meeting of the Advisory Council in which we participated, Psychology has been strongly dedicated to the study, development and application of knowledge in the health sector.

All psychologists who wish to take part may do so through the OPP by sending their suggestions by e-mail to pns2011-2016@ordemdospsicologos.pt. (until the end of July). Please note: this e-mail address is exclusively for suggestions relating to the National Health Plan.
The OPP shall be submitting its suggestions regarding the National Health Plan until the end of July.
In order to ensure your participation is more effective, visit http://www.acs.min-saude.pt/pns2011-2016/pns-2011-2016/documentacao-produzida/ where you can obtain various documents, in particular the .pdf version of PNS 2011-2016 Strategic Document.