Ordem dos Psicólogos

The establishment of the Order of Psychologists (Ordem dos Psicólogos) celebrates its 1st anniversary


The Order of Portuguese Psychologists (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses) was created upon publication of Law No. 57/2008, on the 4th September, and the Foundation Committee nominated on the 16th April 2009 for a one-year term to promote, develop and set up all the necessary resources to put into operation an institution that aims to regulate, safeguard and promote all Psychology professionals.

The period for establishing the Order of Portuguese Psychologists (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses) ended with the election of the first President of the Order of Psychologists, Telmo Mourinho Baptista, and the respective Board, on the 12th April 2010.  

The review of the first year is very optimistic with much work having been done in a variety of areas, such as: updating legislation, deontology, discipline, professional internships, courses and training, publications, benefits for Members, promoting studies regarding psychologists, mandatory documentation in order to practice professionally, legal support, attending dozens of events promoting the figure of the psychologist and psychology in the community and its representation in bodies/institutions of specific interest for Psychology.