The scientific knowledge inherent to psychology, in its different areas/specialties, plays a more-than-ever relevant role in promoting resilience and well-being at the individual level (especially for those under increased vulnerability), and in defining policies that may promote collective and sustainable well-being.
We invite researchers, academics, clinicians, and students from different areas of psychology (or related fields) to submit works (editorial letters, essays, original articles, review articles) exploring the following areas and questions (among possible others):
- The psychological impact of financial insecurity or poverty in different population groups during economic instability, considering social inequalities and inequities;
- Strategies that promote psychological resilience in dual precarity conditions (i.e., difficulty in acquiring or maintaining housing combined with precarious employment conditions);
- Associations between financial uncertainty or other scarcity events, mental health, and decision-making processes;
- The combined effect of exposure to global threat narratives, financial and/or employment insecurity, on the perception of security and well-being, from a life cycle perspective;
- Psychological intervention and public policies aiming to mitigate the impact of global threats (geopolitical, financial, ecological) at both individual and vulnerable group levels;
- Phenomena associated with conditions of financial insecurity, including domestic violence, and migration, and how these are associated with psychological determinants and effects.
> Manuscripts should be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.
> The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words (excluding the title, abstract, and references; and a maximum of five tables and/or figures).
> Submitted manuscripts should follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines.
> All works must comply with ethical standards in psychological research and scientific publication.
> Submissions are due by June 15th, 2024, through the journal's online submission platform.
> Submission Deadline: June 15, 2024
> Editors' Response: July 31, 2024
> Notification of Mentions of Honor and Prize for the Best Submitted Manuscript: September 05, 2024
> Award Ceremony | 6º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses / XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Psicologia: September 25-27, 2024
> Online publication of this special Issue: November 2024