Ordem dos Psicólogos

Conference of Experts “Psychology for Health – Contributions to Policy Making”

Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP) participates in a Conference organised by EFPA


The Order is present at the conference of experts, promoted by EFPA, and which will take place on the 20th and 21st of September 2012. "Psychology for Health – Contributions to Policy Making" is a conference which intends to become a mark of reference in the discussion of this subject. Recommendations for European and national policies will come from this meeting.

The Conference of Experts “Psychology for Health – Contributions to Policy Making” organised by EFPA (EFPA - European Federation of Psychologists Associations), will be attended by specialists in the various areas of Psychology, guaranteeing a rich sharing of experience and knowledge.

The experts discuss the contribution of psychologists in the promotion of health, namely in the adopting of healthy life styles, the early identification and substitution of risk behaviours, prevention of the illness.

The holding of this meeting promotes a greater involvement of the EFPA and Psychologists in the implementation of the 3rd European Union Health Programme, and also the development of the European Health Strategy.

Samuel Antunes and David Neto (both members of the Board) are present in representation of the Order, and were invited to preside over a round table on “Life-long learning and health – what school psychologists can do’. This table explores the problems of learning throughout life, discussing the role of psychologists in various contexts, namely the relevance of school psychologists in the promotion and maintenance of health.

This meeting will result in partnerships for the future and recommendations for policies on a European and National level.