After the introdution of the Lisbon's Congress, enthusiastically received by the VIII Iberoamerican Congress's participants that took place in S. Paulo, Brazil, the new chairman of the IFPA stated his commitment in working towards giving iberoamerican psychology more visibility, highlighting the growing importance it has in the current world and also the opportunities it offers to the psychologists in their own countries.
In the Executive Board of the IFPA there are two other members of the OPP, Francisco Rodrigues – Vice-president for Growth – and Samuel Antunes – Vice-president for Professional Certification.
During the Congress was signed the declaration for the constitution of the INEP – Iberoamerican Network of Emergency Psychology – of which the OPP is a founding member. Countless others work meetings were held, in specific areas, in which the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) took lead, coordinating some of the working group's initiatives.
It is paramount to highlight the role that the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) has been taking on, both in the nacional and international stage and also the significance of putting such responsability in the hands of a young profissionals organization, thus receiving the merit for it's procurements in the defence of the cience and career.
The President will hold the office until the IX IFPA Congress, that will take place in Lisbon in September 2014, and that will be held simultaneously with the 2nd Congress of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP).