
Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2024

Special issue of the scientific journal of the Portuguese Psychologists Association, The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal


Submissions for a special issue of the scientific journal of the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association, The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal, dedicated to the subject: "Resilience and psychological vulnerability in the context of financial insecurity and global challenges: contributions of psychology to the promotion of individual and community well-being are now open.

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EuroPsy Specialist Certificate in Psychotherapy is now available


After an intense period of work together with the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), full members of Portuguese Psychologist Association can now request their European Certificate in Psychology (EuroPsy) in Psychotherapy. The process is now accessible and free for the members.

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Guideline for psychologists

Remote psychological intervention


Whether in-person or remotely, psychological intervention is guided by professional principles and based on scientific evidence and compliance with Portuguese Psychologists’ Code of Ethics. However, considering that remote psychological intervention involves some specific challenges and to ensure the delivery of high-quality services, below are some recommendations and guidelines that Psychologists must take into consideration, when contacting their clients using remote communication tools.

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Title of specialist psychologist awarded by the Portuguese Psychologists Association is now recognized by the National Health Service


The title of specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology awarded by the Portuguese Psychologists Association will now be recognized by the National Health Service.

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New Document

Guidelines for Supervision Practice


The Guidelines for Supervision Practice are now available. This document results from the systematization of recommendations and best practices that are applicable across different theoretical models, contexts, and professional experiences of psychologists. It represents a meta-theoretical approach that integrates knowledge, skills, and attitudes that constitute the competencies of supervision.

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6th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association and XIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology


Registration is now open for the 6th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association, which will take place in 2024. Simultaneously with the XIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology.

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