Follow to Develop Forum - "Each One's Inner Sun"
Data: 02.May.2012
The meeting will take place on the 2nd of May, in the Auditorium of Escola Superior de Turismo e Hotelaria de Seia. Dr José Lucas, member of the Board of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) will be present at the event.
"Psychology Today: The Emergence of a profession"
Data: 11.May.2012
Dr Vítor Coelho, member of the Board of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) will be present. The closing session of the Cycle of Psychology Conferences (2011/2012) will take place on the 11th of May, at 6 p.m., in the auditorium of INUAF - Instituto Superior D. Afonso III.
Jobs in Psychology Week
Data: 23.May.2012
Dr José Lucas, member of the Board of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) will be present. The event, organised by the Nucleus of Psychology Students of Universidade de Aveiro, will take place on Wednesday 23rd of May at 2.30 p.m.
International Congress of Psychological Intervention
Data: 24.May.2012
The Inaugural Conference, on the topic "The Impact of Psychological Intervention on Health Care" will be given by Prof Dr Telmo Mourinho Baptista, President of the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP), on the 24th of May, at 3 p.m., at the Instituto de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade Lusíada do Porto. The Congress will take place on the 24th and 25th of May. The Chairman of the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP) is also part of the Congress Scientific Committee.
I Iberian Congress of Psycho-Oncology
Data: 25.May.2012
Dr Eduardo Carqueja, member of the Board of Representatives, will be present at the Opening Session, representing the Chairman of the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP). The President, Prof Dr Telmo Mourinho Baptista, is part of the Congress Scientific Committee, which has the objective of promoting the discussion and awareness of the scientific community about the importance that psychological factors have throughout the various stages of oncological diseases. The event, organised by Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Portuguese League Against Cancer), will take place on the 25th and 26th of May, in Porto.
II SEI Odivelas Meetings
Data: 26.May.2012
Prof Dr Sara Bahía, Chairwoman of the Board of OPP Representatives, will be present, representing the Chairman of the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP). The topic covered: “The mental health of Teachers in the area of Special Educational Needs". The event will take place on the 26th of May 2012
Conference about cancer survivors
Data: 28.May.2012
Prof Dr Telmo Mourinho Baptista, President of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP), will be present. The event, an initiative of the Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Portuguese League Against Cancer) , will be held in Auditorium 2 at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in Lisbon, on the 28th of May 2012.
VII Psychology Meetings
Data: 29.May.2012
Dr Miguel Ricou, Chairman of the Conselho Jurisdicional (Jurisdictional Council) of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses(OPP), representing the Chairman, Prof Dr Telmo Mourinho Baptista, will be present. The event will be held at Instituto Piaget, in Viseu, on the 29th of May, at 2 p.m.