Ordem dos Psicólogos

We made it here, which way?...

International Seminar of Education Psychology


The Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP) was present at the International Seminar of Education Psychology: We made it here, which way?..., which took place in S. Miguel, in the Azores, on the 12th of October. The meeting was the result of an initiative from the group of colleagues that develop their work at the Ribeira Grande and Rabo de Peixe Schools.

Some names of reference in the area of Education Psychology, nationally and internationally, participated in the event, namely Prof. Dr Maria Paula Paixão, from Universidade de Coimbra, Prof. Dr Alfonso Barca, from Universidade de Coruña and Prof. Dr Peter Farrell, from Manchester University. The organisation also included the presence of Master Arminda Magalhães, from Direcção Regional da Educação e Formação (Regional Directorate of Education and Training.

At the conference covering the topic The contribution of the Order in the promotion of Education Psychology in Portugal, Maria da Luz Melo, from the National Board of the OPP, spoke of some of the main contributions made by the OPP, from the inauguration of terms of the Board to date, in the defence of psychologists who, in Portugal, have developed their work in schools. The role of the Order with the Ministry of Education, Parliament and other means of the media was highlighted, in the contracting of psychologists; in the intervention in the School Guidance Services; in the teaching of Psychology in Secondary education; in the disclosure of the role of psychology in schools and in its promotion as an agent in the development of education. As future challenges, the study of the characterisation of the working conditions of psychologists who perform their activity in schools and the role of the Regional Branches and the Colégio de Especialidade in the development and recognition of Educational Psychology was mentioned.