Ordem dos Psicólogos

São Paulo - 19th of September 2012

Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP) at the 2nd Meeting of Psychology of CPLP


In the scope of the agreement established, in April 2012, in São Paulo, the 2nd Meeting of Psychology Professionals Organisation of CPLP, took place. There were representatives from Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Brazil and Portugal sharing experiences on Mental Health, Human Rights, Psychological Evaluation, Training and the Digital World.

The Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP), the Associação de Psicologia de Moçambique (Psychology Association of Mozambique), the Ordem dos Psicólogos de Angola (Order of Psychologists of Angola), the Conselho Federal de Psicologia do Brasil (Federal Council of Psychology of Brazil) and the Associação de Psicólogos de Cabo Verde (Psychology Association of Cape Verde) met on the 19th of September at the 2nd Meeting of Psychology Professionals Organisation of CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries). This meeting was well attended, with the presence of more than 40 people.

The 2nd Meeting of Psychology Professionals Organisation of CPLP fits into the scope of the Agreement signed between Portuguese Speaking Countries and the 1st Meeting which took place in April, in Lisbon. The Agreement is aimed at developing an integration and cooperation channel which promotes scientific knowledge, research and the cultural and social exchanges of psychologists from the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

At this 2nd Psychology Meeting of the CPLP, approximately 40 people were present, including the representatives of the countries that signed the agreement. The different countries discussed matters which dealt with the current situation in each country, in 5 areas: Mental Health, Human Rights, Psychological Evaluation, Training and the Digital World.