Ordem dos Psicólogos

Ministry of the Economy

Order received by the Secretary of State for Entrepreneurship


The objective of the meeting was to show the importance of working on entrepreneurship, in terms of behaviour, before dealing with the economic or financial issues.

The President of the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP), Telmo Mourinho Baptista and two members of the Board, Francisco Rodrigues and José Lucas, met with the Secretary of State for Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Innovation, Carlos Oliveira, last Wednesday.

The objective of the meeting was to show the importance of working on entrepreneurship, in terms of behaviour, before dealing with the economic or financial issues. The Order defended, before the Secretary of State, that the focus and priority of the national strategy for entrepreneurship should be the promotion of attitude and behaviours needed to be an entrepreneur.

They also defended an intervention with the population, starting at the beginning of the schooling of youths, which would allow for the development of skills which characterised the individual entrepreneur. This, with projects and initiatives that they may present and for which they need support. Therefore, the human resources needed for an intervention with the population were made available, defending the role of the psychologist as a technician who is a specialist in behaviour.

Carlos Oliveira completely agreed with the need to work with these types of skills, considering that they are one of the key factors for the change and economic development of the country. The Executive promised to involve the Ordem dos Psicólogos (OPP) in the implementation process of this strategy on a national level. In this Context, the Order will soon present the most concrete performance proposals.